Hi All!
Hi! Im Joshua Paredes a third generation chiropractor , my grandpa , mom and brother are all chiropractors. My mom also ran one of north america’s largest chiropractic consulting firms in the early 2000s so I have grown up around chiropractic my whole life. At an early age I became addicted to reviewing things first I started slow with yelp and google reviews then i got more addicted pretty soon my whole life was consumed. My life went into a spiral I was writing reviews of restaurants on napkins trying to sell them to passerby, ok not really but I like helping people find good tools and help the chiropractic community. I see a lot of people always asking in different facebook ground “ is XYZ good “ Should I buy “ ZYX” ( hell I was one of them ) and some people will either comment “ worked for me” or “ no” or “ yes” and I just wasn’t comfortable with these answers. Since I am the owner of a chiropractic office in sunny seal beach california( Seal Beach Advanced Chiropractic) I have “ skin in the game” and have run into a real lack of info and reviews when it comes to chiropractic tools and if they will really increase profits or patient outcomes and at what cost ( everything has a cost come on ) so I decided to make this site to help chiropractors ( and honestly anyone else that wants the info)
I hope this helps !